‘To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.’ Henri Bergson

Across a life time we encounter many transitions and events that might shake the sense of ourselves, and our situation, that we had up to that point.  This can feel enormously destabilising - leading to regrets, grievances, relationship problems and the manifestation of physical illness, mental health problems, addictive behaviours and a general sense of dissociation, dis-ease and low functioning, that can come on quickly or can accumulate into a long term way of being.  

Wherever you are on the spectrum of the effects of life’s journey, holistic psychotherapy can help integrate the parts of yourself, and your life, that may have become fragmented.  Over time therapeutic intervention will leave you not only feeling whole again, but fully able to inhabit a revised sense of your self-concept, your body and the moment, for maximum enjoyment and potential in life. 

These difficult phases in life present an opportunity for growth. An opportunity to revisit fault lines that run through our developmental stages - an opportunity to properly understand adaptions that aren’t working for you anymore - or are even getting in the way of coping from day to day. This new understanding gives you new potential for lasting change: for meaningful relationships, a fulfilling work and social life and living life on your own terms.

My psychotherapeutic work is fundamentally relational, but my grounding principles are founded in understanding each client from an holistic biopsychosocial perspective, to address all the elements of our experience of ourselves in relationship to our Self, to others and the world around us.  

From this base, I work with you to make conscious understanding of how your developmental and life experiences are affecting your mind, body, relationships, emotions and functioning in the present.

‘When your body, mind and soul are healthy and harmonious, you will bring health and harmony to the world, not by withdrawing but by being a healthy living organ of the body of humanity.’ BSK Iyengar